4-H Shooting Sports Club meets
The Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club met Saturday, Sept. 14 at the Eastern Holmes Sportsman Club.
The meeting was opened for business by President Kassidy Brumme. The United States Flag Pledge was led by Jimmy Britt, the 4-H Flag Pledge was led by Camden Tennant, the secretary report was given by Braxton Touby and the treasurer’s report was given by Lucas Bailey. The 2025 community service projects were discussed.
Club members presented nonperishable food items for the Mansfield National Guard Unit to Tanner Neuenschwander, guard member and past club member.
Thank you cards to emergency and service organizations will be written, and trash pickup will be done on Township Road 310 at the club meeting to be held Saturday, Oct. 12 from noon to 2 p.m. at the Eastern Holmes Sportsman Club.
It was decided by club members to once again give cookie and candy plates to emergency and service organizations during the holidays. Refreshments for the meeting were furnished by Patricia Lang.
For more information on the Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Program, call the Holmes County OSU Extension at 330-674-3015 or contact Patricia Lang at 6356 County Road 51, Big Prairie, OH 44611; 330-275-7578; or patricia.lang1950@gmail.com.
A hunter education class will be held at the Millersburg Library, 3102 Glen Drive, on Saturday, Nov. 2 and Saturday, Nov. 9 from noon to 3 p.m. Register for the class by calling the library at 330-674-6849. The class instructor will be Lang, who is a volunteer with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.