Gaye Keller is best weekly loser at TOPS
On Feb. 5, TOPS OH1573 Nashville opened with pledges. Gaye Keller was best weekly loser. She said to stick with the challenges of the club’s contest. Lana Rush was best weekly KOPS. Club members each placed a heart on a poster for each challenge met.
Information for Donna Goodwill came from November 2023’s Good Housekeeping Magazine in an article titled “Healthiest Vegetables to Eat.” Vegetables provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work together to benefit overall health. Green bananas are eaten in Latin and Mediterranean countries.
TOPS OH1573 meets at the Nashville Global Methodist Church on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. with weigh-in at 5 p.m. The first meeting is free.