Northwestern Ruritans hold January meeting
The Northwestern Ruritan Club met Jan. 13 for the monthly dinner and meeting at Northwestern High School. President Jamie Bowman called the meeting to order and welcomed members followed by the singing of “America” and the invocation by Jim Johnson. The dinner was served by the school cooks.
The December meeting minutes were read and approved, and Treasurer Chuck Beck’s report was approved subject to audit. Beck also had prepared a year-end summary for 2024. A motion was passed that the audit report be approved, and the 2025 budget will be reported for approval in February.
Chair Randy Tegtmeier reported on plans for the club’s annual Pancake & Sausage Day on March 8. He had order forms for advertising on the place mats for members to take, made contacts about supplies and more for the day, and the pigs (for sausage) are doing well. A motion was passed that Tegtmeier be reimbursed for raising the pigs.
Bowman reported the first Parade of Flags outing will be Memorial Day weekend. The 2025 Member’s Handbooks were dispersed to members. With no more business, the meeting was adjourned with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The club committees then met to discuss plans for the new year.
The next dinner/meeting will be Monday, Feb. 10 at 6:30 p.m. at Northwestern High School. The program will be by the Food Drive and Charity Committee, chaired by Pastor Paul Bartholomew. The director’s meeting will be at 6 p.m. in the library.
The Northwestern Ruritan Club is always seeking new members to join.