Porter, Leid tie in TOPS contest
On Oct. 9, TOPS OH1573 Nashville opened with pledges. Mabel Leid was the best weekly loser — she said to eat a raw vegetable each day — and Lana Rush was the best weekly KOPS. Bonnie Porter and Mable Leid tied as winners in the Trip Across America Contest.
Donna Goodwill gave a program from "Good Housekeeping" magazine on how to lose weight the healthy way. Suggestions are to up your fiber intake, start weight training, eat more plants, build a better breakfast, skip sugary drinks, get moving, eat mindfully, get more sleep, keep a food journal, resist skipping a meal, munch on mineral-rich foods and prioritize stress management.
TOPS meets on Wednesdays at the Nashville Global Methodist Church at 5:30 p.m., with weigh-in at 5. Everyone is welcome and the first meeting is free.