Claymont schools receive award

Claymont schools receive award

Michele Henry, middle school assistant principal, and Scott Eldredge, SST Region 12 consultant


Claymont City Schools announced Claymont Elementary School and Claymont Middle School received recognition from the Ohio Department of Education for their commitment to the positive behavior interventions and supports for their buildings.

Claymont Elementary received a Bronze Award for its accomplishments, and Claymont Middle School received the Silver Award.

The schools were two of six schools recognized with the State Support Region 12 districts.

PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students.

The PBIS process emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision-making, evidence-based interventions and practices that support varying student needs, systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices, and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met.

PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. PBIS is a systems-change process that requires ongoing commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and social-emotional skills.

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