Engineering Technology EXPO coming to KSU
To celebrate National Engineers Week, the Kent State Tuscarawas Engineering Technology Department will host its annual Engineering Technology EXPO on Wednesday, Feb. 21 from 5-7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. The event is free and open to the public.
The EXPO is an opportunity for companies to display their products, technology and manufacturing to students and the community. Participating companies will have representatives from engineering, management, personnel and human resources available to address questions regarding availability of jobs, skill requirements, expected salaries and career opportunities in engineering. They also will have displays featuring information on various products they manufacture.
Kent State Tuscarawas will have resource experts available to discuss the academic preparation needed for jobs in various fields of engineering technology.
The regional bridge-building competition for local high school students also will be held that night, with bridge testing and judging starting at 7 p.m. Future engineers from area high schools will participate in the contest, sponsored by the Kent State Tuscarawas Engineering Technology Department. First- and second-place winners will be given the opportunity to compete in an international competition.
Email Vey Wagner at