Blessing of the Animals will be held Sept. 29 in Wooster

Blessing of the Animals will be held Sept. 29 in Wooster

An interfaith Blessing of the Animals service will be held Sunday, Sept. 29 at 5:30 p.m. at Christmas Run Park in Pavilion No. 3 in Wooster. All pets and their owners are welcome to attend, regardless of faith tradition.


An interfaith Blessing of the Animals service will be held Sunday, Sept. 29 at 5:30 p.m. at Christmas Run Park in Pavilion No. 3 in Wooster. All pets and their owners are welcome to attend, regardless of faith tradition. Parking is nearby.

For the sake of everyone’s safety and enjoyment, all dogs must be on a leash, and other pets must be in their appropriate carriers. Pet photos are welcome. The Feast of St. Francis falls on Oct. 4 and honors the saint who loved and cared for all creatures. For many churches this Sunday also is the end of the Season of Creation, which has focused on caring for all of God’s creation.

The Wooster Interfaith Justice Committee is sponsoring the event with several area clergy participating. For questions or more information, email Paul Kipfstuhl at

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