Geri-Fit class starts March 24
The Falls Prevention Program of Holmes & Wayne has added a beginning Geri-Fit class starting March 24 and going through May 15.
The class is for those who have never participated in Geri-Fit and those who haven’t participated in the class prior to 2024. The class is held two times a week with classes on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:15 a.m. to noon in Conference Room 202 at the Holmes County General Health District, 2600 Glen Drive, Millersburg. The Geri-Fit class has no fee attached to it.
Geri-Fit is a 45-minute exercise and falls prevention program that helps rebuild strength that’s been lost through the aging process. Through participating in Geri-fit, individuals can increase their overall strength, balance, flexibility and range of motion and get an improved mental outlook. The progressive resistance strength training program uses bodybuilding techniques to increase strength.
Geri-Fit helps ensure a higher level of function and improvement in activities of daily living and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, pain management, depression and more. Most of the exercises are performed seated using a set of light dumbbell weights and exercise bands. However, participants have the option to do the exercises standing if they prefer.
Individuals can bring their own hand weights, but the health district does have hand weights that can be signed out for class use. All participants will be provided with a stretch band.
Call Kerry at 330-674-5035 ext. 251 to register for the beginning class or with questions about Geri-Fit.