Holmes scales now include a QR code

Holmes scales now include a QR code

How can you be sure you are getting exactly 1 pound of cheese or fruit at the grocery store or 10 gallons of gasoline when you fill up at the pump? Making sure you are getting what you pay for is one of the responsibilities of your county auditor.

The county auditor tests scales and pumps annually to make sure they properly measure the correct weight or volume. After one of these measuring devices is tested and passes, it receives a seal sticker from the county auditor.

The Holmes County Auditor Weight and Measures Division is now placing new stickers on pumps and scales throughout the county. These new stickers contain a Quick Response code that provides information about the specific pump or scale it is attached to. By scanning the QR code with a smart phone, a consumer can quickly find out when the scale was last checked. They also can file a concern or complaint about the device if they feel something appears off.

“These new QR code stickers are a way to engage with the consumer,” Holmes County auditor Jackie McKee said. “They allow my office to inform the public when each scale or pump was last tested, but more importantly, they allow the consumer to submit concerns about a specific pump or scale directly back to my office. This makes my office more efficient and responsive, which is what taxpayers want and deserve.”

The QR code stickers have been replacing the old seal stickers in Holmes County throughout the 2023 inspection cycle. All the stickers will be replaced by early 2024.

“So please keep a look out the next time you are at the gas station or grocery store for the new sticker,” McKee said. “Our weights and measures inspector looks forward to hearing about any potential problems that need investigated so that we work with the vendor to get it resolved.”

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