Morning sickness: The Dos and Don’ts

Morning sickness is a very common symptom with women who are pregnant. In fact, more than half of all pregnant women experience morning sickness, which can be, but is not always, accompanied with vomiting. The nausea is often a result of the increased hormones in your body. Morning sickness is also believed to be a good thing because it means the placenta is developing well. Morning sickness is not harmful to you or your baby, but if you experience severe symptoms such as excessive vomiting and cannot keep your food down, you will need to see a doctor right away. This may be a sign of a more serious condition. Also, if you are unable to keep fluids down and urine looks like iced tea, call or visit your doctor, since it is very important to maintain hydration during pregnancy. There are many ways to try to reduce and even prevent morning sickness. It is important to focus on the “dos” and “don’ts” when experiencing morning sickness. Though not all of the prevention/treatment methods are guaranteed to work, they are still recommended for those experiencing symptoms. Do: Ÿ Avoid offending foods (often high fat or spicy foods) Ÿ Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to help stabilize blood sugar Ÿ Eat more carbohydrates (plain baked potato, white rice or dry toast) Ÿ Eat salty potato chips (they have been found to settle stomachs enough to eat a meal) Ÿ Drink fluids 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with meals Ÿ Drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration Ÿ Before getting out of bed in the morning, eat a few saltine crackers to calm your stomach Ÿ Avoid foods with smells that bother you or make you nauseous Ÿ Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade, or eat watermelon to relieve nausea Ÿ Get plenty of rest and nap during the day Ÿ Exercise Don’t: Ÿ Do not lie down after eating Ÿ Do not skip meals Ÿ Do not cook or eat spicy food Ÿ Do not eat tomatoes and tomato-based foods Ÿ Do not eat ice (drink more room temperature fluids) Ÿ Do not eat foods that are high in fat, greasy, or too sweet

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