Dover Township trustees unanimously pass resolution supporting Dover High School bond issue

The Dover Township trustees hosted representatives of Dover City Schools at their regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 20. At the meeting Dover City Schools superintendent Carla Birney, Dover treasurer Brenda Hurst and Dover Board of Education President John Maxwell presented information to the trustees concerning the Dover City Schools bond issue to build a new Dover High School, which will appear on the ballot at the Nov. 8 general election. After hearing the presentation, which included the trustees asking several follow-up questions concerning the current plan, the trustees unanimously passed a “resolution of support for the Dover School bond issue for the construction of a new high school to be voted on during the general election on Nov. 8, 2016.” John Miceli moved for the adoption of the resolution, which was seconded by John Fondriest and approved by unanimous consent. The resolution states that “the Dover Board of Education has placed on the Nov. 8, 2016, ballot a bond issue to be used to build a new high school to provide a modern education and honor the tradition of Dover High School” and that “the trustees of Dover Township recognize the importance of a strong school system for the community.” The resolution concludes that “therefore be it resolved that the Dover Township trustees through this resolution show their support for the November bond issue.”

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