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Healthy lunches that your kids will eat

The kids have been back in school for a few weeks now and are probably asking for something different in their lunch. But what can you offer that your kids will eat and that you can feel good about serving to them? While there is nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned sandwich, try expanding your lunchtime repertoire with these simple yet nutritious lunch ideas. Remember to keep foods safe by...

Respiratory therapists receive continuing education at WCH

Wooster Community Hospital (WCH), in cooperation with Phillips Healthcare, sponsored a lecture for respiratory therapists on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Continuing education is required for respiratory therapists to maintain their licensure through the state of Ohio and national credentials from the National Board of Respiratory Care. Bonnie Kelly BS, account manager, Philips Healthcare and Gene Fordyce...

Breast cancer: Early detection is best prevention

In the United States, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer except for skin cancer. It is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in women. There are different types of breast cancer. Breast cancer type is categorized by whether it begins in the ducts or lobules, the organs responsible for breast milk production. Understanding the specific type of breast cancer can...

Morning sickness: The Dos and Don’ts

Morning sickness is a very common symptom with women who are pregnant. In fact, more than half of all pregnant women experience morning sickness, which can be, but is not always, accompanied with vomiting. The nausea is often a result of the increased hormones in your body. Morning sickness is also believed to be a good thing because it means the placenta is developing well. Morning sickness is...

Mental Health and Recovery Board holds annual meeting

The Mental Health and Recovery Board of Wayne and Holmes Counties held its annual meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the Shisler Conference Center. David Dutton, chair of the board, opened the meeting and introduced Judy Wortham Wood, executive director of the board. Wood highlighted her first year at the board and concluded by urging the audience to vote for the mental health levy on the Nov. 3...

Local students seeking information and direction will want to check out college fair

Maybe they will be engineers. Or perhaps a teacher, a computer tech, an author or accountant. The future for high school teens is almost limitless, but it seems the future can sometimes sneak up on them and, without warning, graduation looms right around the corner. On Monday, Oct. 19, from 6:30-8 p.m., area youth will have a perfect opportunity to make excellent contacts and learn more about the...

County obtains $501,000 in CHIP and $328,000 in CDBG funds

Nearly $830,000 in funding under a pair of federal grant programs managed by the Ohio Department of Development is coming Wayne County’s way to undertake a series of projects and programs designed to help low to moderate income individuals and regions of the county. At their Sept. 30 regular session, the Wayne County commissioners voted to sign the formal documents necessary to receive $501,000...

College of Wooster to present Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors

The College of Wooster will present William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors Oct. 22-24, in Freedlander Theatre, 329 E. University St. Performances begin nightly at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $9 for general admission, $6 for senior citizens, faculty, staff, and non-Wooster students. In typical Shakespearean style, The Comedy of Errors abounds with mistaken identities, wordplay, and physical comedy...

Coats for Kids distribution day, Oct. 24

Cheese, parades, and so much more on display at annual Ohio Swiss Festival event

Swiss cheese is at the center of attention each year during the Ohio Swiss Festival, held the fourth weekend after Labor Day in Sugarcreek. This year was no exception, with Broad Run Dairy, Guggisberg Cheese, Pearl Valley Cheese and Steiner Cheese all bringing their very best cheese to be judged in order to determine who would become the new Grand Champion Cheesemaker. Judges chose their...