4-H shooting club meets
The Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Club met July 2 at Eastern Holmes Sportsman’s Club. Lucas Bailey led the U.S. flag pledge, and Gabriella Sparr led the 4-H flag pledge to open the meeting.
The treasurer’s report was given by Patricia Lang, club advisor, and project books, displays and life skills judging were all discussed.
Lang went over the safety acronym, Safety MATTERS: Muzzle always in a safe direction, Action open, finger off of Trigger until ready to shoot, know your Target and beyond, Eye protection, Responsibility, and Safety at all times.
Discussion was held on community service projects including aluminum can recycling, pop tabs for Akron Children’s Hospital, letters to veterans, cell phones for soldiers, eyeglass recycling, Holmes County Adopt a Road program, thank you to first responders, Back Packs for Schools, food collection for Glenmont Food Pantry and Share-A-Christmas.
Disciplines for the day were archery, rifle and shotgun. Gabriella Sparr qualified for Kids On Target in archery, and Lucas Bailey qualified for Kids On Target in rifle.
The next meeting will be held Saturday, Aug. 6 at Millersburg Tractor Supply from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Club members will sponsor a bake sale and have hot dogs, snacks and drinks by donation. Club members also will do the fair booth setup at Harvest Ridge Fairgrounds.
For more information on the Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Program, hunter education classes or trapper education classes, contact Patricia Ann Lang at 6356 County Road 51, Big Prairie, OH 44611; 330-275-7578; or patricia.lang1950@gmail.com.