Ruritans welcome Farm Bureau board member
The Northwestern Ruritan Club met Nov. 13 for its monthly dinner/meeting at Northwestern High School.
Guest speaker Roger Baker gave the program on some of his experiences as a citizen, a farmer, a resident of the Northwestern School District and member of the Farm Bureau State Board for the last 12 years.
One highlight was his daughter Mary, who received a Ruritan Scholarship in 2017 and was valedictorian of her class at Northwestern, had completed law school, and earlier the day of the club meeting, she was sworn into the Ohio State Bar. It was mentioned Ohio has a deficit of rural law attorneys, which Mary Baker plans to be.
Baker expressed his concern about farming being a different ballgame today. Many people want to help young farmers, and he praised Jarra Underwood, Wayne County auditor, for what she is doing to help farmers.
He also said the Farm Bureau is especially concerned about water quality, real estate taxes, gas and oil pipelines going through the state — which are behind in their tax payments — and water wells contaminated with gas and oil.
Due to the shortage of time, the Oct. 9 meeting minutes were not read. They had been sent to the directors via email for approval. Chuck Beck’s treasurer’s report was approved subject to audit. A motion was passed that the club donate monies to OneEighty Inc. Thank-you notes were received from scholarship recipients Nolan Hartsel and Brook McNeil. A motion also was passed that the club donate monies for remaining items on the year’s budget.
Jerry Payn attended the Zone 9 meeting at the Smithville Brethren Church on Oct. 19. Smithville Club member Rick Dilyard was elected Zone 9 governor. The OH District Ruritan Convention was held Nov. 18 in Louisville while the National Convention will be in Winston Salem, North Carolina Jan. 11-13.
Jamie Bowman said the Parade of Flags had been put out for Veterans Day on Nov. 11, the last time they will be put out this year. Beck reported the last roadside trash pickup of the year was accomplished during two days last month. Beck also reported packages for the Husky Brigade were to be packed Nov. 18 for about 25 soldiers from the area. Northwestern Elementary students are making Christmas cards to send with the packages.
Area first responders and member spouses are invited to attend the Dec. 11 dinner/meeting at 6 p.m. at the high school to enjoy the H.S. choir. After discussing the schedule for manning the recycling bins at the Congress Township House and following the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the meeting was adjourned.