Schools welcome facility dogs to their classrooms

Schools welcome facility dogs to their classrooms

Tuscarawas Valley Superintendent Derek Varansky introduced the facility dogs and their handlers at the May 13 board meeting. The 2-year-old Goldendoodles, Hank Aaron and Yikkety Yak, recently began duties in the district.

The facility dogs came from Canine Assistance in Atlanta, Georgia, a nonprofit organization. Heidi Varansky and Lisa Owen are the facility dog trainers, and Jason Phillips and Beth Widder are secondary handlers. The handlers were trained through the Bond Based Approach of educating the dogs.

The Trojan Pride award was presented to the Trojan Foundation for its dedication to the students for collecting and distributing the donations to the families involved in the bus accident. Kyle Albaugh, the president, said it is their hope and prayers they never have to do it again. He said the team did a great job and thanked those who donated money. The Trojan Foundation was only responsible for distributing the funds.

In other business

The board approved two-year administrative contracts to Mandy McElwee, assistant elementary principal, and David Fogle, assistant middle school/high school principal, both effective Aug. 1, 2024, to July 31, 2026.

The board approved one-year certified contracts to Jeremy Taylor, middle school/high school counselor; Lauren Stotzer, fourth grade; and Jordan Morehart, third grade, all effective Aug. 26.

The board granted one-year supplemental certificated contracts to Sandy DeBos, head cross country; Brenton Franks, head volleyball; Merri Gensley, band director; Allie Harris, assistant cheerleading; Terry Sites, head boys basketball; Katie Spinell, varsity cheerleading; Jeremy Taylor, head football; Stephen Tripp, assistant band director; Matt Ward, head girls basketball, assistant athletic director; and Derek Varansky, Washington, D.C. trip volunteer.

The board issued one-year supplemental contracts to contracted employees Alora Boldon and Courtney Thomas, split stipend for middle school cheerleading; Jim Digman, head girls soccer; Darrrell Markijohn, head boys golf; Shawn Miller, head boys soccer; and Shelby Thompson, head girls golf.

The board approved Josh Ulrich and Deanna Zeisger for positions for the 21st Century Community Learning Center paid by a grant.

The board accepted the resignations of Margaret Fuellner, primary school para professional, effective Sept. 1; Garry Cornell, bus driver; and Karen Powell, elementary para professional, effective June 6, all for retirement.

The board gave approval to an out-of-state trip for the high school cross country team to Lake Anna, Virginia July 13-20.

The board approved instruction fees for the 2024-25 school year as follows: $55 for kindergarten through third grade and $30 for fourth grade through eighth grade (both $5 less if paid by Oct. 1), fee amounts vary for ninth grade through 12th grade, and $30 for fourth grade through 12th grade for Chromebook care/maintenance, accidental damage and lost/stolen devices.

The board appointed Cleveland Clinic Union Hospital Work Well at Dover, the designated medical center to perform physicals and random drug and breath alcohol testing, for certified bus and van drivers as required by law.

The board gave approval to donate the inside glass doors at the front entrance of TV Primary School to the Mineral City Area Historical Society to display in their museum.

The board entered into an agreement with Cronebaugh Auctions to facilitate an online auction of surplus furniture, equipment and salvageable items from Mineral City School.

The board approved a list of 2024 graduates and the 2024 honored graduates: eight Summa Cum Laude, five Magna Cum Laude and seven Cum Laude.

The next meeting will be held June 10 at 6 p.m. in the elementary Trojan Center at 2632 Tusky Valley Road in Zoarville.

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