Teachers invited to get supplies from VFW
Carl C. Stoller Post 1445 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States announced its eighth annual Teachers Supplies Giveaway on Saturday, Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the VFW Post Canteen, 441 Park Ave. NW, New Philadelphia.
“VFW Post 1445 is very proud of its efforts to not only support our area veterans, but to be an integral part of our local community by supporting our local community whenever and wherever we can,” Cmdr. Steve Chenevey said. “We are particularly proud of our support of student athletic programs, Scouting programs, Special Olympics, scholarships, First Town Days Queens Pageant and similar programs that benefit our local youth here in Tuscarawas County. We are happy to announce our eighth annual Teachers Supplies Giveaway, which is intended to assist our local teachers and schools by helping them provide the necessary incremental supplies free of charge that many students and their families struggle to provide.”
Any certified teacher in Tuscarawas County is invited to stop by the Post Canteen to receive the supplies they need to help meet their students' needs.