Clinic for working uninsured is celebrating 15 years
Dr. Brenda Prince’s mission is celebrating 15 years. The Tuscarawas Clinic for the Working Uninsured saw its first patient at St. Joseph’s Church Hall in January 2009. The dream and vision were about two years in the making. Prince, Wendy Thomas and other healthcare providers realized many people were using the emergency room as their doctor’s office and prescription refill center.
“That is not the best way to utilize the emergency department nor manage patients’ healthcare needs,” Prince said.
Prince, Thomas, Shelly Broadbent, Jack Dooling, Bob Moore and Kristin Zemis began a mission to establish the nonprofit clinic to meet the needs of working Tuscarawas residents who could not afford or have access to healthcare.
The clinic began at St. Joseph’s Church every Wednesday afternoon with many area physicians such as Drs. Jack Burnham, Dennis Charette, Robin Kollman, Paul McFadden, Tim McKnight, Kristi Leindecker, Nate Johnson, Kevin Miller and Tim Desiato volunteering their time to see the patients of the clinic.
The clinic also received support from Union Hospital and Trinity Hospital Twin City.
The TCWU moved to 420 Reeves Ave. in Dover on March 28, 2011. The move was necessary to expand clinic hours and serve more patients.
Pat Warther, RN, was hired as the executive director in August 2014 and remains in that role today. The clinic continues to operate from this location, providing primary medical care, laboratory testing and X-rays, health education, prescription assistance, and limited dental care.
Specialty clinics for dermatology and podiatry are provided monthly by Dr. Lindsey Moore and Dr. Adam Myers. Both of these physicians volunteer their time monthly to provide needed services for the patients. The clinic also is staffed by volunteer nurse practitioner Deb Scott and physician assistant Carri Meiler and Dr. Kristi Leindecker, medical director, as well as other nurses, clerical and fundraising staff volunteers at the clinic.
The clinic operates through donations, grants and fundraisers. Many of the grants and donations are from United Way of Tuscarawas County and many area foundations including Austin-Bailey Foundation, Tuscarawas County Community Foundation, North Canton Medical Foundation and the Kimble Family Foundation. Area businesses, medical professionals and other community members have been supportive over the past 15 years.
The Tuscarawas Clinic for the Working Uninsured is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve access to healthcare for the working uninsured citizens age 18-64 who live or work in Tuscarawas County and are at or below 199% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Anyone in Tuscarawas County age 18-64 who is employed but lacks medical insurance can call the clinic at 330-364-1853 to complete a medical and financial assessment to determine eligibility. Additional information can be found at the clinic’s website at