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Christmas visitors can sometimes pose a challenge

Call me Amahl.As you probably know, he’s the title character in the Menotti opera that was actually written for TV. NBC premiered it in 1951 and “Amahl and the Night Visitors” has had its place in holiday traditions ever since.The young man had a couple of problems; for one, he’s crippled and, secondly, he liked to stretch the truth. His story, folded into the Star of Bethlehem and the...

National bird dog trials held locally in Ohio

Last week I wrote a column on the local Hunter’s Trial Series bird dog trials. This week I would like to cover the two national trials that are held locally. Both of these series have Ohio regions that have high point competitions, as well as national points. Along with the annual high point chases, these associations offer champion titles for your dog that are recognized by most of the...

Quick budget friendly gift solutions

It's happened. Christmas is here and you need another gift. And, you need something that won't blow your budget.When I find myself in the last-minute buying position, I try to put a little windshield or shower time into thinking about what the recipient enjoys. I try to think of consumables. That way, it doesn't matter if the person already has the gift I have in mind.Offered services can often...

Variable annuities coming of age

Several people have written in and asked questions about variable annuities. It seems that some people are being approached by investment advisors about buying them. Annuities have always become popular during times of economic difficulty and so we should not be surprised about them rearing their heads again.Please understand something before I get started. I am not an expert in insurance,...

Dover Middle School student remembers our veterans

Sierra Sandy, 12, a Dover Middle School seventh-grader, never could have guessed she would be surprised with a district award at the VFW women’s auxiliary Christmas party Wednesday, Dec. 16.Sierra wrote an essay for the Patriot’s Pen, a youth essay contest designed to encourage students to voice their opinion on democracy. This year’s topic, “When is the right time to honor our military...

YMCA prepares to celebrate 90 years thanks to community support, outstanding leadership, and quality services and programs

“Three essential items are needed for a community organization to remain viable, significant, and relevant,” said Keith Lands, executive director of the Tuscarawas County YMCA at Dover. “They are community support, outstanding leadership, and quality services and programs. The Tuscarawas County YMCA has been blessed with all three over its entire 90-year history.”The YMCA will commemorate...

Homelessness in Tuscarawas County and Ohio

On Jan. 29, a point in time (PIT) survey was done across Ohio to attempt to identify the number of homeless people in the state, both sheltered and unsheltered. A similar PIT survey is scheduled to be conducted in January 2010. Although exact results could not be obtained due to the elusive nature of the homeless population, estimates were as follows: Ÿ During that 24-hour period, 12,821 Ohioans...


Rudy Barstow Rudy M. Barstow, 61, of Wooster, died Dec. 13, 2009, at Akron General Medical Center. Rudy was born May 6, 1948, in Stark County, to Eileen and the late Paul Barstow. He had been a truck driver for Quality Block Company since 2002 and attended Parkview Church of Christ. Surviving are his wife, Cynthia Barstow, whom he married in 2001; children, Tracy (J.D.) Liston of North Carolina,...

Butzer honored by Tope Printing

Off the Wall Ministries settles in New Philadelphia to promote discipleship

The house along West High Avenue in New Philadelphia looks like any other house along the street, other than a sign out front that proclaims it to be the site of something called Off The Wall Ministries. However, inside the house, incredible changes are taking place in the lives of the young adult men who will each call it home for the next year.Don Stubbs attended college at Moody Bible...